433.92 MHz Active RFID UHF Tags
Active RFID 433 MHz Tags are available as metal mount, omni-directional, clamshell employee badges, and potted for added robustness. Battery powered with replaceable battery options Tags are TTO (tag talk only) technology with a battery pinging its data every three seconds.
Tags also supply a low battery indicator via LED or via RF signal. Tags are also capable of being externally powered and a motion detector on board.
- UHF 433 MHz Active RFID Tags
ActiveRFID 433 MHz Tags contain a battery and are thus capable of much greater read distances up to 2000'. Two of the four models have replaceable batteries, all of motion sensors to report data should they be moved, and external power wiring to exclude the need for a battery.
View Product - Active RFID 433.92 MHz STARTER's KITS
These Starter's Kits from our ActiveRFID 433 MHz product line offer a Reader with internal Antenna or an expanded kit with external Antenna, a variety of Tags to suit, power supply and necessary cabling.
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