433.92 MHz Active RFID UHF Antennas
Active RFID 433 MHz Antennas are designed for differing read range options.
The Model ANT-CP and ANT-LR as flat panel packages offering 300' to 600' of range or the Model ANT-YG series providing up to 2000' of read range.
- UHF 433 MHz Active RFID Antennas
ActiveRFID 433 MHz Antennas are externally cabled to RFID Readers to increase read range up to 2000 feet in a directional pattern.
View Product - Active RFID 433.92 MHz STARTER's KITS
These Starter's Kits from our ActiveRFID 433 MHz product line offer a Reader with internal Antenna or an expanded kit with external Antenna, a variety of Tags to suit, power supply and necessary cabling.
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